Winning team of America
Color war - YKM 5768
T.T.T.O. Davening and Learning - Tzlil V'zemer Boys Choir
T.T.T.O. Davening and Learning - Tzlil V'zemer Boys Choir
The Chabad House already built
Yossi feels fulfilled
Satisfaction filling the air
Publications being published
A day school fully furnished
Everything with a special glare
Yet, the image of the Rebbe becomes so clear
Telling him not to stop there
To go out of Golus is the goal
Each of us fulfilling our role X2
Although it could seem
Everything looks grand
We must fulfill Hashem’s master plan
We will not rest, until this is complete
And the Rebbe once again we’ll see
Yes, the image of the Rebbe becomes so clear
Encouraging, not to stop there
To go out of Golus is the goal
Each of us fulfilling our role X2